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Module 1 – Course Introduction

Welcome to the 7 Week Chakra Initiation Program

Creating Good Health and Harmony

Course Itinerary below


Module 2 – The Benefits of Meditation

Meditation Chi and the Chakras
Eastern Tradition, Creating Good Health and Harmony, Raising your Vibration, Mindfulness, Meditation to Cleanse the Chakras, What happens when you meditating.


Module 3 – Self Development and Cycles
Self – Development, Listen to your intuition

Synchronicities and Initiation
Synchronicities, Cycles of Life and Initiation, Chakra Initiation, Saturn Return.

Creating a Sacred Space / Cleansing your Crystals
Creating a Sacred Space, Cleansing the room energetically, Incense, Flowers, More Intense Cleansing, Cleansing your Crystals.


Module 4 – Beginning the Course 
The Course, Finding Inner Peace, Meditation, Beginning the Course, Meditating with a Crystal of your Choice.


Module 5- Introduction to the Chakras

The 7 Main Chakras
The chakras connection to the different bodies, The Chakras and the Endocrine System, Higher Chakras, Earth Chakra, Minor Chakras.

Instructions for Meditation


Module 6 – The Base Chakra

The Base Chakra
Imbalances, Body Connection, Gland Connection, The Cycle of Development, Chakra Development, The Base and Heart Connection, Balancing the Base Chakra, The Skeletal System, Grounding Yourself.

Base Chakra Crystals and Affirmations
Crystals, Crystal Resonance, Affirmations and Colours, Affirmations.

Base Chakra Meditation
Preparing and Listening to your Meditation.


Module 7 The Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra
Sacral Chakra, Imbalances, Body Connection, Gland Development, The Cycle of Development, Balancing the Sacral Chakra, The Sacral and Throat Connection, Allergies, Candida.

Sacral Chakra Crystals and Affirmations
Crystals, Crystal Resonance, Affirmations.

Sacral Chakra Meditation
Preparing and Listening to your Meditation.


Module 8 – The Solar Plexus Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra
The Solar Plexus, Imbalances, Body Connection, Gland Connection, The Cycle of Development, The Solar Plexus and Third Eye Connection, How our Thoughts affect the Mental Body, Healing and Meditation.

Solar Plexus Chakra Crystals and Affirmations
Crystals, Crystal Resonance, Affirmations.

Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation
Preparing and Listening to your Meditation.


Module 9 – The Heart Chakra

The Heart Chakra
The Heart Chakra, Imbalances, The Body Connection, The Gland Connection, Cycle of Development, The Base and Heart Connection, The Spiritual Body.

Heart Chakra Crystals and Affirmations
Crystals, Crystal Resonance, Affirmations.

Heart Chakra Meditation
Preparing and Listening to a Meditation.


Module 10 – The Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra
The Throat Chakra, Imbalances, The Body Connection, The Gland Connection, Cycle of Development, Healing the Throat Chakra, The Throat and Sacral Chakra, The Throat and Soul Star Connection, Throat Thymus and Soul Star Integration, Downloads.

Throat Chakra Crystals and Affirmations
Crystals, Crystal Resonance, Affirmations.

Throat Chakra Meditation
Preparing and Listening to Your Meditation.


Module 11 – The Third Eye Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra
The Third Eye, Imbalances, The Body Connection, The Gland Connection, Cycle of Development, The Third Eye and Solar Plexus Connection, Positive Ion’s, Negative Ion’s, Keeping our Ion’s in balance.

Third Eye Chakra Crystals and Affirmations
Crystals, Crystal Resonance, Affirmations.

Third Eye Meditation
Preparing and Listening to Your Meditation.


Module 12 – The Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra
The Crown Chakra, Imbalances, The Body Connection, The Gland Connection, Cycle of Development, Balancing the Crown Chakra, The Crown and our I Am Presence, Radiating Divine Love.

Crown Chakra Crystals and Affirmations
Crystals, Crystal Resonance, Affirmations.

Crown Meditation
Preparing and Listening to your Meditation.

The Spiritual Chakras


Module 13 – The Spiritual Chakras

The Spiritual Chakras
The Spiritual Chakra, Thymus Chakra Location, The Seat of Spirituality, The Soul Star, The Soul Star and Thymus Activation.

The Stellar Gateway  
The 8th Chakra, 9th Chakra, 10th Chakra, 11th Chakra, 12th Chakra, The Akashic Records.


Module 14 – The Crystal Chakra Set
Healing and Meditation

A Crystal Layout for Self Healing or Sharing

The Seven Week Chakra Initiation Program 60% off

SKU: Chakracourse
    • SALE 60% off / Sale Price £49.00 
    • Add to Cart, enter CHAKRA SALE under Enter Promo Code
    •  PDF Course Manual 74 pages for Download
    • 7 Guided Meditations in MP3 format for each chakra, 3hrs 18 mins listening time

    Join us on an Initiation through the Chakras to heal and restructure your chakras.

    Watch the Video Introduction -Full Course Itinerary below.

    If you prefer to take the course online go to our sister site.

    Sample the meditations on our meditation section.

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