Module 1 – Course Introduction
Welcome to the 7 Week Chakra Initiation Program
Creating Good Health and Harmony
Course Itinerary below
Module 2 – The Benefits of Meditation
Meditation Chi and the Chakras
Eastern Tradition, Creating Good Health and Harmony, Raising your Vibration, Mindfulness, Meditation to Cleanse the Chakras, What happens when you meditating.
Module 3 – Self Development and Cycles
Self – Development, Listen to your intuitionSynchronicities and Initiation
Synchronicities, Cycles of Life and Initiation, Chakra Initiation, Saturn Return.Creating a Sacred Space / Cleansing your Crystals
Creating a Sacred Space, Cleansing the room energetically, Incense, Flowers, More Intense Cleansing, Cleansing your Crystals.
Module 4 – Beginning the Course
The Course, Finding Inner Peace, Meditation, Beginning the Course, Meditating with a Crystal of your Choice.
Module 5- Introduction to the Chakras
The 7 Main Chakras
The chakras con
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